We all need to learn from research. The ‘City Know-how’ posts unlock lessons arising from the research published in the Cities & Health journal. Whatever your role, or interest, in cities, I hope you will find something stimulating, something of interest and maybe even something that you can put straight into practice.

Cities & Health is a journal dedicated to providing an innovative international platform for consolidating research and know-how for city development to support human health. The journal is committed to developing a shared evidence base and encouraging better communication between those involved with cities ‘on the ground’ and research communities.

As such the journal publishes papers and commentary from researchers and practitioners working to build new wisdom in supporting healthier cities for people and planet. You are invited to engage with, and help develop, Cities & Health through submitting commentary, views, case studies and research. You can find more information about Cities & Health here.

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Published 14/09/23

Towards climate responses and informal workers’ health: Lessons for urban policy and practice

Climate change will worsen the health risks facing Zimbabwe’s informal workers. Holistic partnerships can promote their health, while also fostering…

Published 14/09/23

Examining discrimination in home improvement financing (HMDA 2012 – 2016) and neighbourhood health

Black applicants are more likely to be denied home improvement loans, yet white applicants are more likely to apply in…

Published 31/08/23

Women’s mobility and equity in an Indian urban environment: Case of public toilets in Pune, Maharashtra

This study is about the contested mobility of women in the urban realm focusing on the use of public toilets….

Published 25/08/23

Use of outdoor gyms depends on location, a case study from Israel

Outdoor gyms located at parks and beaches were used far more often compared to outdoor gyms in residential areas. More…

Published 24/08/23

Designing transportation for all: Transportation justice on the Purple Light Rail transit oriented developments, Washington DC

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is an increasingly popular choice for sustainable and liveable urban design. However, interviews show the future…

Published 24/08/23

Guidelines to develop and implement urban interventions that promote physical activity

How can we overcome the most common challenges when developing urban interventions that promote physical activity? We developed recommendations after…

Published 09/08/23

Walkabout with photography – improving migrant children’s opportunities

Neighbourhood walkabouts with photography can serve as an accessible platform for communication and advocacy. They can help decision-makers more effectively…

Published 05/08/23

Wild Ways: understanding rewilding behaviour in urban gardens

A review of existing research on understanding rewilding behaviour by city residents in their gardens. We undertook a scoping review of…

Published 25/07/23

Can walking or cycling to and from schools contribute to students’ healthy physical activity?

Walking and cycling to and from schools can make valuable contributions to students’ physical activity and health, according to a…

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