“The health workforce is the beating heart of any health system”

Zsuzsanna Jakab Regional Director WHO EURO. Panorama September 2017. p1.

I would want to ensure that there is a rich seam of health workforce skills that enable support for creating healthy places and systemic support for city planning for healthy people. Often overlooked in discussions of public health workforce. Transport planners and urban designers are the wider public health workforce, to benefit from their skills requires very careful engagement.

Suggested paper: Promoting integration of the health and built environment agendas through a workforce development initiative.

Public Health Panorama is published by WHO European Region. It provides a platform to scientists and public health practitioners for the publication of lessons learned from the field, as well as original research work. The September issue (Vol 3 Issue 3) focuses on the health workforce. Access the articles here

Sustainability of the health workforce is a key agenda item at the 67th session of the Regional Committee for Europe, to be held on 11–14 September 2017