Urban environments in cities and city regions hold the key to population health and affordable health services.
This article takes as its theme the four tenets of the Health 2020, an international policy initiative; innovative leadership, reducing inequalities, active citizenship and life-course approaches. It illustrates how these themes are relevant to the ‘Urban environment and health’ programme and may, as cross-cutting approaches, be useful in supporting healthy literacy and a wide ownership of the programme both by communities and a range of built environment practitioners.
Full article: http://www.diba.cat/documents/540797/87360360/Article+original+en+anglès/d87dac70-28ce-44cc-884f-72de7d0df0a8
This article was published in Territori I Ciutat published by Diputació de Barcelona. It is based on my keynote presentation at International EPSA Knowledge-Transfer Conference Urban Development for Healthier Cities: A Cross-cutting Approach to Innovative Local Governance, Barcelona (ES), 13-14 June 2016
Author: Marcus Grant (@MarcusxGrant)